Hatch and Grow 2013

Hatch ‘n’ Grow

Hatch and Grow 2013

Hatch and Grow 2013

Hatch ‘n’ Grow is a hatching program which allows the children to witness firsthand the process of ducklings hatching from their eggs over a two week period.

We were all so excited to play host to the ducks and loved every minute of it. The ducks came in an incubator, we had 10 eggs and the children were so excited to come in each morning and count how many had hatched. By day 4 all of the ducks had hatched and the children were lucky enough to see firsthand a duckling emerge from its shell! We enjoyed visiting the ducklings in the preschool each day, marvelling at how quickly they were growing. We watched them eat, play and swim on our visits and even got to have a cuddle!

We were sad to say goodbye, but happy to have them return to their families and overall it was such a wonderful learning experience for all involved.