Our babies program is designed to develop the child’s awareness of themselves and the world around them within a warm, caring environment.
Routines are an intricate part of a baby’s day and our routine will reflect each child’s development, needs and interests. All routines that are kept at home, such as feeding, bottles and sleeping times, are carried through in your child’s day at the centre in order to best meet your family’s needs. Our focus is on providing secure and loving relationships between educators and children to foster the child’s confidence and potential.
High standards of hygiene and safety are maintained by educators at all times.
Our quality programs focus on sensory learning and development which prepares children for future learning.
We aim to involve families in the program to help you feel confident in leaving your child in our care. Through regular observations, educators become aware of each child’s interests and stage of development. Using this knowledge, educators are able to provide appropriate experiences to further stimulate all areas of development (cognitive, language, physical, social and emotional). They will give the babies the time and space needed to explore their world. As children gain more independence, emphasis is placed on developing their social skills and the development of imagination through creative play and exploration of their environment.
Toddlers are still discovering new things and are full of curiosity. They are busy, enthusiastic and love to explore and experiment. They are beginning to develop more competencies with skills and are keen to further develop their independence.
Learning to use the toilet is a big step for toddlers and it can be difficult for some. Our room is equipped with nappy change facilities and toilets and our educators will work with you to maintain the same routines you use at home.
The children are encouraged to develop their growing independence with guidance from educators who model appropriate behaviours and give lots of praise.
Our program will continue to include stimulating activities, small group interactions, quiet time and free-play, in addition to lots of self help activities such as toileting, dressing and care of belongings.
There will be many songs and activities which develop your child’s interest in basic concepts such as colours, shapes, numbers and their body.

Children at this age are developing quickly in all areas and are becoming independent and confident learners. They enjoy engaging in conversations with educators and their friends and use their developing language skills to solve conflicts.
Their problem solving and mathematical skills continue to develop so they are able to complete more difficult tasks without adult assistance.
We encourage friendships between all of the children, including opportunities to spend time with siblings and younger children. This encourages the development of self-esteem and also teaches children the importance of care and compassion towards others.
Our emergent curriculum allows children to self select activities which are of interest to them, with our trained educators observing them and using these observations to create fun, stimulating programs.
Our educational program incorporates a full school preparation program for your child prior to school entry. Our aim is to prepare and transition your child to primary school through education and experience.
Our preschool curriculum focuses on literacy and numeracy skills in addition to valuable social and life skills such as problem solving, independence, following instructions, co-operation and concentration.
Family participation in all areas of the program is welcomed.
Play-based learning environments offer diverse opportunities to explore, discover and create. It fosters qualities such as curiosity, perseverance and risk taking. It is believed these qualities motivate lifelong learners.

Have questions? Get in Touch with us!